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  • 執筆者の写真rumiokazakilab

Best Presentation Award/ 31st Annual Conference, Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies

traditional circular houses, Sekota, Ethiopia
Traditional circular houses, Sekota, Ethiopia

岡崎瑠美, アルラ・テシファイ・アシファ, 清水郁郎, 青島啓太, 清水信宏, メルソウ・テフェラ, アムサル・ウォルディ・ヤルーによる発表"Mapping Urban Heritages: The Case of Sekota, Ethiopia"が日本ナイル・エチオピア学会第31回学術大会最優秀発表賞を受賞しました。

"Mapping Urban Heritages: The Case of Sekota, Ethiopia", presented by Rumi Okazaki, Alula Tesfay, Ikuro Shimizu, Keita Aoshima, Nobuhiro Shimizu, Melsew Tefera, Amsalu Woldie Yalew, received the Best Presentation Award at 31st Annual Conference of Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies.

This project was carried out with the collaboration of Shibaura Institute of Technology, Wag Development Association (Sekota), and the Embassy of Ethiopia in Japan (Tokyo) with funding from JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19KK0114. We are grateful for our key informants and staff members of the Ethiopian Embassy in Tokyo.



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